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16622 Pearl Rd

Strongsville, OH 44136 US

(440) 238-0106

(440) 238-0173

5 Tips to Keeping Your Spine in Line

Your body is the only one you will ever get, so keeping it healthy and happy is key to a pain-free and
stress-free life. Your spine is a bundle of nerves that carries messages from your brain to your muscles
and other soft tissues. When you injure your spine, it can send signals to many different parts of your
body, causing pain from head to toe. It's crucial we try our best to keep our spine aligned and healthy.
Below are five helpful tips on the best way to keep that spine in line!

• Letting your spine rest while you are sleeping is imperative to keeping a healthy
backbone. You need to choose the proper mattress and pillow that allow your spine to rest
in a supported and comfortable way. Also ensure you are in the proper sleep position, if
you have a specific condition there are several different options that are best for your
particular situation.
• Exercising your core and strengthening your abs help your back stay strong and take
pressure off of your lower back. To tone your core muscles you need to perform specific
work out routines that target the core area, for at least 20-30 minutes daily.
• Proper shoes are very important to your spine's health. Whether it be walking leisurely or
working out, proper shoe support makes all the difference. Good shoes provide a
supportive base that helps the spine and body remain in alignment. Ensure that the area of
the shoe that fits the back of your heels is snug, but not overly tight, as a good fit in heel
prevents too much rolling of the foot to the outside or inside. Also, need to make sure the
arch and sole in the shoe are padded properly and fit your foot type. You want your toes to
have enough wiggle room and not be touching or cramped into the front of the shoe.
• Sitting positions impact how straight your spine stays and any tension put onto it from
surrounding muscles and tissues. You should try and avoid sitting in the same position for
more than thirty minutes, keeping your feet flat on the floor, and distribute your body
weight evenly on both hips. When you first sit down be attentive that your buttocks is
touching the back of your chair, and have a rolled up towel to place behind you,
maintaining the natural curves in your back. Have your chair positioned where the height
keeps you close to your desk, and elbows resting on the desk, keeping shoulders relaxed.
• Exercising your back muscles helps to keep them strong and toned and hold the spine in
place. Your lower back muscles are crucial to holding the spine together as they can
produce the most force. The facet joints of the spine, in the middle position, allows them
to distribute compression forces away from your discs. All the way from the top to the
bottom your muscles need to be taken care of and maintained to keep things in line.

If you don't take care of your back and spine, it can cause a lifetime of pain and discomfort. The tips
above will not only help prevent any damage but they can also help to cure any alignments or weak
muscles that may be hurting you currently. A chiropractor is always suggested to have them check and
fix any ongoing issues. For a consultation with a local Strongsville chiropractor, please call Duncan
Chiropractic at (440) 238-0106