Primary Location

16622 Pearl Rd

Strongsville, OH 44136 US

(440) 238-0106

(440) 238-0173

Child Development and Spinal Care

When your kids are young, you watch them change and grow rather quickly. They go
through “growth spurts,” and they’re constantly learning new things and are always
capable of doing new things. During this developmental process when children are
younger, their bones are developing and forming into the shape that they will take.
Since children’s bodies are still developing, they are more easily molded into different
shapes, which can be a bad thing if they’re not developing properly.

One thing that stops the proper development of a child’s skeletal frame is poor posture.
This is something that develops overtime, but it can be prevented just by keeping an
eye on how your child sits. You know when you were younger and your parents were
constantly telling you to “sit up straight,” “don’t slouch,” and “no elbows on the table”?
While a lot of it was an etiquette problem, and your parents probably wanted you to be
able to look presentable in the real-world, but it was also to help ensure your bones
developed properly and that you didn’t give yourself spine misalignments.
Watching your child’s posture is crucial to spinal and skeletal system development for
these reasons:

1. Spinal Curvature – Poor posture begins to change the natural “S” curve of the
spine. Subluxations, or veterbral misalignments, can cause blood vessel
constriction and nerve restrictions. The blood vessel restriction cuts off nutrient
and oxygen supply, and it can cause back pain, and the spine can’t accomplish
its basic mobility functions quite as easily.

2. Neck & Back Strain – When the spine is out of alignment, more stress is put
onto the supporting muscles because it isn’t able to support everything it needs
to as well. This causes back and neck pain over time, and it can begin to cause
other muscles to overcompensate, causing a trickle effect that leads to a
significant amount of pain throughout many areas of the body.

3. Organ Function – Our skeletal frame houses our internal organs.  The you’re
your frame starts to become misshapen and develop an unhealthy shape, the
more physical stress is put onto our organs. This can be damaging to them and
can cause numerous problems with regular organ function that wasn’t there
when the skeletal frame was in a healthy shape.

The facts are that children’s posture is crucial to the development of their skeletal frame,
and frankly their whole body. Plus, if a child develops good posture when he/she is
young, it will carry over into adulthood, which can help avoid many problems that come
with poor posture as an adult. Keep an eye on how your child sits when reading, sitting
on their iPad, watching tv, eating dinner, etc. Explaining why good posture is important
might help them remember to keep good posture themselves!
Pediatric chiropractic care aids in many things, including helping with chronic ear
infections and colic, but it also helps ensure the proper development of their skeletal
frame and get to any problems there might be right in the beginning, which often means
quicker and easier treatment and more long-term results.

For a consultation for your child’s chiropractic care, call us at Duncan Chiropractic to
schedule an appointment today!